What's the Birthstone for April?

Written By Allie Perry April 5, 2024

What’s the Birthstone for April?

If you were born in April, your timeless birthstone is the diamond! Most other months of the year boast bold gemstones in vibrant colors, but April brings fire, brilliance, and elegance with a stone that’s captivated humanity for centuries.

Derived from the Greek word "adamas," meaning invincible or unconquerable, diamonds are symbolic of strength, resilience, and eternal love. Formed deep within the Earth's mantle under intense pressure and heat over millions of years, diamonds are one of the hardest substances known to humankind. 

Diamonds have a rich and storied history, dating back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations revered diamonds for their supposed mystical properties, believing they possessed magical powers and bestowed strength and protection upon their wearers. Throughout history, diamonds have been coveted by royalty, worn as symbols of power, wealth, and prestige.

What sets diamonds apart is their unparalleled brilliance and fire, which result from their exceptional optical properties. Each diamond is unique, with its own combination of color, cut, clarity, and carat weight, known as the "Four Cs." 

Diamonds come in a variety of colors, ranging from the classic colorless diamonds to rare and exotic fancy colored diamonds. While colorless diamonds are prized for their purity and brilliance, fancy colored diamonds, such as pink, blue, and yellow, are highly sought after for their unique beauty and rarity.

So what comes to mind when we think of diamonds?

  • Colorless Diamonds: These diamonds are valued for their lack of color, allowing them to exhibit maximum brilliance and sparkle. They are graded on a scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown), with D being the most desirable and valuable.
  • Fancy Colored Diamonds: These diamonds exhibit intense hues and can be found in every color of the rainbow. The bold colors are caused by the presence of trace elements or structural defects during their formation. Fancy colored diamonds are exceptionally rare, with only one being mined for every 10,000 colorless diamonds.
  • Blood Diamonds: Also known as conflict diamonds, these diamonds are mined in war zones and sold to finance armed conflict against governments. Since the establishment of the Kimberley Process in 2003, it’s estimated that the amount of blood diamonds on the market is anywhere from 1% to 4%. The trade of blood diamonds has fueled violence, human rights abuses, and environmental destruction in countries such as Sierra Leone, Angola, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The popularity of lab-grown diamonds has risen in part due to the public being educated on blood diamonds.
  • Lab-Grown Diamonds: These diamonds are grown in a laboratory using advanced technology that replicates the natural diamond-growing process. Lab-grown diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds but are more sustainable and ethical alternatives. They’re also much more affordable than mined diamonds.
  • Industrial Diamonds: These diamonds are not used for jewelry but rather for industrial applications due to their hardness and thermal conductivity. Industrial diamonds are used in cutting, grinding, drilling, and polishing tools, as well as in advanced technologies such as lasers and semiconductors. So in addition to finding diamonds at your local jewelry store, you can likely also find them in your local hardware store!

What do diamonds symbolize?

Diamonds have been imbued with various symbolic meanings and associations throughout history:

  • Eternal Love and Commitment: Diamonds are often associated with eternal love and commitment, making them popular choices for engagement rings and wedding bands. The durability and timelessness of diamonds symbolize the enduring nature of love and the promise of a lifelong partnership.
  • Strength and Resilience: Like the intense pressure and heat that form diamonds deep within the Earth, diamonds symbolize strength, resilience, and inner fortitude. They remind us that challenges and hardships can lead to transformation and growth, ultimately making us stronger and more resilient.
  • Clarity and Purity: Diamonds are prized for their clarity and purity, representing honesty, integrity, and transparency. They serve as a reminder to strive for clarity of purpose and purity of heart in all endeavors.
  • Abundance and Prosperity: Throughout history, diamonds have been associated with wealth, abundance, and prosperity. They symbolize success, achievement, and the fulfillment of one's dreams and ambitions.
  • Protection and Healing: In ancient times, diamonds were believed to possess protective and healing properties, warding off negative energy and promoting physical and emotional well-being. They were worn as talismans and amulets to provide strength, courage, and protection to their wearers.

Are there any alternate birthstones for April?

Cubic Zirconia, often abbreviated as CZ, is a synthetic gemstone that has gained immense popularity as an affordable alternative to diamonds. Composed of zirconium dioxide, this crystalline material is produced through a controlled process, typically involving high temperatures and the addition of stabilizers to enhance its durability. 

Characterized by its exceptional brilliance and clarity, cubic zirconia can be crafted into a variety of shapes and sizes, mimicking the appearance of the finest diamonds at a fraction of the cost. Its hardness and optical properties make it a favored choice in jewelry making, offering both beauty and practicality for those seeking the luxurious look of diamonds without the steep price tag.

Another commonly recognized alternate birthstone for April is white sapphire. Known for its clarity, brilliance, and durability, it’s an excellent alternative to diamonds for April babies.

In addition to white sapphire, some sources also suggest clear quartz as an alternative birthstone for April. Clear quartz is a versatile and widely available gemstone known for its clarity, transparency, and healing properties. It is often used in crystal healing practices to promote balance, clarity of mind, and spiritual growth.

Cubic zirconia, white sapphire, and clear quartz are all great alternative options for April birthstone jewelry.

How do I clean my diamonds?

Cleaning your diamonds will ensure they always looks their best, but you don’t want to damage them in the process. Lucky for you, you can clean your diamonds by following these simple steps:

  • Avoid exposing your stone to harsh chemicals. These can include cleaning supplies and even perfumes. Always be sure to apply your makeup, hair products, lotions, and perfumes before you put your jewelry on. 
  • Store your diamond jewelry separately to prevent scratches. This is good practice for all gemstones, and is as easy as placing your jewelry in a little cloth or plastic bag. Clear plastic bags allow you to see what’s inside and will also help prevent tarnishing on your silver jewelry. People often think diamonds can’t be scratched or broken, but this isn’t true- you still need to wear and store your diamonds with care.
  • Clean with a soft brush and mild soap to maintain luster. Baby toothbrushes work great! 
  • Always be sure to rinse the piece thoroughly with clean water after cleaning to eliminate any soap residue. Diamonds love to hold on to oils, including those in beauty products or soaps, so rinsing after cleaning is key!

If you'd like more in-depth information about each birthstone including meaning and history, where these stones can be found in nature, and proper care and cleaning, be sure to explore this article from the Gemological Institute of America! 

And if you’re ready to add some diamond jewelry to your own collection, click here to see what I have available for sale!



Allie is the owner and goldsmith behind Allie Perry Designs.

Learn more about her here, or connect with her on Instagram!

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